Proof of Concept (PoC) for Tax Solutions: why is important to request it?

por | 05/08/2022 | FISCAL

When it comes to investing in technology and solutions projects,to choose the right one, patience is needed. Ensuring that all functionality and performance requirements are met and still achieve an optimal cost-benefit, as is the case of a specialist tax solution integrated with world-class ERP such as Oracle, SAP, Infor, Netsuite or Legacy, no company can close a deal without first being sure about the quality and efficiency of the tool. To make this assessment effective, there is the Proof of Concept (PoC) phase.

PoC helps managers and companies to calculate and analyze the feasibility of a technological project. Following the application of the Poc, the most appropriate result for the company’s reality is found.

To help you even more, in this important moment of decision, we have prepared this article explaining the concept of PoC and how you should proceed in the evaluation of a future tax solution for your company. Check it out.

Good reading!

What is PoC (Proof of Concept)?

PoC is a demonstrative concept that aims to prove the viability of a particular project or idea. It can be used to test a new technology, process or application before investing time or money in a broader or fuller version.

But not only that, it also allows users to test the equipment or software to be purchased. At the end of the process, feedback is provided to improve the platform, even before it is definitively implemented.

An interesting concept and recommended for companies that are undergoing digital transformation or changing to a high-end software. The objective is to make this change, migration or expansion more credible and assertive.

A current and practical use example is companies that are migrating from on-premises solutions to the cloud. Although this is a widely discussed topic, it still generates insecurity for many managers in companies that are leading this movement.

Summarizing, Proof of Concept helps you understand the extent to which the new software or specialized technology is suited to your company’s needs and reality. That way, you can focus on the one that really meets the right requirements and not waste time on the other options.

How to perform a Proof of Concept correctly?

To analyze the investment in new technology and follow a smart innovation path for your business, you must rely on professional partnerships. This way, a specialized consultant is able to evaluate and effectively compare one solution with another and allows a better understanding of the real value of each technology presented.

However, it is important to always keep in mind the design of your project, aligning the objectives to be achieved with all the differentials that the new solution offers.

Don’t forget that digital tools should, as a priority, facilitate the daily lives of employees – without creating barriers, such as complex systems that are difficult to configure and integrate. That means, during the PoC you must test the efficiency of the technical solution and how well it delivers the promised optimization for the team in question.

In the end, if the solution delivers on its promises, if it meets the demand and delivers the right experience for your employees, the software selection becomes much simpler.

The importance of knowing how to evaluate a tax solution using the POC (Proof of Concept)

Clearly, every process within the PoC is important for you to choose the best technology for your company.

However, when we talk about specialist tax solutions and tools capable of completely transforming a sector or your company, it is necessary to go beyond conventional concepts.

For example, when comparing tax software, it is necessary to make a real equivalence between all the solutions presented. It’s no use focusing on the process or a specific functionality if everything else differs.

Putting it in more common language: you can’t compare an orange to a banana. Both foods are fruits, but the end result will always be different. There is no equivalence between the two.

So it’s worth taking a broader view when choosing your next tax solution. In the end, the one that will give you the best result will be the one with the best added value and not the lowest price.

Ultimately, when making a decision, it is extremely important to consider the PoC phase. It’s an investment that can make a big difference down the road! But, don’t limit yourself to the basics to make the final decision.

If you are from the business area or you are from the IT area, but you are supporting your tax area, for example, consider that tax balance is essential for the success of your company, and only a specialist solution with high added value can lead your business up to that scenario. After all, price is not the same as value!

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